Music Transcends Borders
What We Do
Cellists for Change nurtures an international collaborative partnership with Escuela de Cuerdas, a school of music in Huehuetenango, Guatemala.
Founded in 2011 by Sergio Marroquín, this cultural center offers high quality music education and concert opportunities to the people of the Western Highlands of Guatemala. The school is committed to supporting the aspirations of their students in an environment accessible to their potential and promoting the art of music through the Huehuetenango Philharmonic Orchestra and Ixim Project, an initiative that brings music fused with theater to children in rural communities.
Escuela de Cuerdas creates a space for artistic expression, encourages respect for all artists, and increases the cultural level of the municipality of Huehuetenango while serving as a model for other organizations interested in building cultural spaces.
Make a Difference
Fund Music Lessons for Vulnerable Youth:
Change the life of an at-risk child growing up in our partner orphanage and/or a young girl receiving education assistance through Asociacíon Ixmucane by giving the gift of music! For just $37/month students receive weekly lessons in an instrument (violin, cello, piano or guitar), music theory, and choir.
“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to study music and for showing me there are people in this world who care about me. My music lessons are my favorite part of the week!”
~Youth living at our partner orphanage
Please watch the video below to learn more!
Sponsor Community Concerts:
Make possible a meaningful concert presentation for a rural community in the district of Huehuetenango, Guatemala! For $237, Escuela de Cuerdas faculty and students are able to bring beautiful music, as well as groceries and other essential supplies, to an indigenous Maya village.
Please watch the video below to learn more!
The collaborations stemming from Cellists for Change’s partnership with Escuela de Cuerdas work to achieve the United Nations’

Partnership Collaborations:
Full scholarships provided for at-risk youth living in our partner orphanage in Huehuetenango to study music at Escuela de Cuerdas
Full scholarships provided for girls and young women receiving education assistance through Asociacíon Ixmucane in Huehuetenango to study music at Escuela de Cuerdas
Zoom Workshops and ongoing Correspondence Program between music students in Colorado and music students in Guatemala, allowing for valuable musical and cultural exchange
Donation of 19 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello, and 1 electronic keyboard, as well as musical supplies including cases, stands, bows, chin rests, shoulder rests, tailpieces, bridges, pegs, rosin, tuners, rockstops, music stands, and sheet music
Masterclasses with Escuela de Cuerdas cello students
Teacher Workshops with Escuela de Cuerdas teachers
Ensemble Workshops with Proyecto Ixim musicians
Professional Development for Escuela de Cuerdas faculty through the Suzuki Association of the Americas and in collaboration with Suzuki Cello Teacher Trainer Andrea Espinzo
Professional Development for Escuela de Cuerdas faculty through CelloBello
Collaborative Concerts with Escuela de Cuerdas faculty and students in Huehuetenango, Cantel, and Xela

“Having a friendship with Cellists for Change is very important to us, because it motivates us to keep making music and gives us the encouragement to increase our musical level. It is extremely exciting to meet people who, like us, share the love for music and art and teach with all their heart. In Guatemala, dedicating oneself to art is increasingly more difficult. Sharing a friendship with you has been a light that has given me inspiration to continue this hard work.”